Talking Bills

Personal voice assistant for iPhone

Talking Bills app has been discontinued. Please try Money Pro


Talking Bills is an essential and simple tool to control your bills right on the go. Use your voice to plan and control expenses and receive necessary alerts from your personal voice assistant.

Talking Bills is the next generation of the top 1 iPad app overall (USA) - Bills for iPad

You have made a decision to track expenses. And you are looking for something very simple that wouldn’t take much time and effort. All you need is a friendly expense planner and bills reminder that would do its work fast and well. Talking Bills is a right solution.

The way you work with the application

Tap either a calendar or a microphone icon on the bottom of the main screen to switch between visual and voice modes. Visual interface is very straightforward. Tap a particular date to plan new payments for or to mark its bills paid. Voice mode allows you to turn your voice commands into transaction entries using the Nuance service. Just tap the large microphone in the middle of the screen and say:
- "I spent $10 on fuel yesterday," for registering your expense;
- "Plan $100 for groceries every Monday," for creating recurring transactions;
- "Add a new transaction: $1000 for mortgage on the 25th of November," for planning a new expense;
- "How much did I spend in October?" for viewing expenses report for October;
- "Show my due payments," for displaying due payments.

Screenshots for Talking Bills for iPhone:


- personal voice assistant
- easy financial planning (income and expenses)
- calendar with planned/due/overdue bills
- notifications until the due bill is paid
- easy sync via Bluetooth and Dropbox
- quick reports and export to PDF
- PIN code for privacy protection
- designed for iOS 7

Talking Bills is here to make complicated things clear and simple. Get Free Now!

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